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Treading The Line Of Morality: War, Women, and Wayward Sons
In the complex nature of human decisions, where does one draw the line between choice and consequence, between moral clarity and ambiguity? Deuteronomy 21 offers a profound exploration into this very quandary. As we journey through tales of warriors, captive beauties, complexities of love and hate in marriage, and the…
Rabbinic Reinterpretation of the Torah: Ethical Adjustments in the Oral Law – Ki Teitzei
Exploring the Complexities of Divorce in Jewish Law: Insights from Torah and Talmud The Torah portion of Ki Teitzei presents a fascinating yet challenging exploration of ancient Jewish laws, particularly those concerning marriage and divorce. These laws, while rooted in historical context, often clash with modern sensibilities, prompting a deeper…
Changing The Educational Paradox
A couple of years ago I visited a Chassidic Rebbe who is known to be a proponent of the idea that each individual has a unique God-given purpose in life that he or she is obligated to follow. At the time I had just started working on forming Youth Directions–an…