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Learning from Jacob’s Business Acumen
It’s little surprise that Jacob is revered by the Judaic tradition as a model for correct leadership. Jacob didn’t reject his father’s or his grandfather’s wisdom. Instead he combined them into a far more powerful mode of leadership. To illustrate this, let’s return to the biblical narrative (in this week’s…
Geopolitical Wisdom from How God Dealt with Pharaoh
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants the U.S. to keep the sanctions on Iran and potentially even increase them. It seems that President Obama and the international community disagree. I would argue that Netanyahu has the Bible on his side to back up his point of view. Here is why….
The Secret to Success that Eluded Jacob
No one wants to live a life of mediocrity or failure and therefore go through life desperately seeking success. Yet, for many success seems to be ever-moving and unreachable goal post. What is the secret to true and lasting success? The life of Jacob, holds the secret to true and…